Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to change pictures to grayscale, sepia, and negate in dr. java programming?

how to change pictures in those three ways using dr, java programming, using for, foreach, or while loop? the other ones from other websites have nothing to do with dr. java and are far more complicated. anyone know a simple way using those 3 ways?How to change pictures to grayscale, sepia, and negate in dr. java programming?
Anyone who reads that is probably wondering what is ';dr'; or ';using dr'; and so am i!

For grayscale conversion, i.e black=0, white=255 and all values in between represent a shade of grey, you can do an average:

gray_val = ( pixelObj.getRed() + pixelObj.getGreen() + pixelObj.getBlue() ) / 3;

Another way is to use a weighted average:

gray_val = 0.3*pixelObj.getRed() + 0.6*pixelObj.getGreen() + 0.1*pixelObj.getBlue();

Once you get that value assign it to your pixel:




PS. I am assuming that pixelObj is an individual pixel element, if not, you'll have to find out how to access it and apply the above method.How to change pictures to grayscale, sepia, and negate in dr. java programming?
After spending hours researching this, I finally figured it out. I wrote a function that produces amazing sepia images. I posted the code on Sun's website:

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